Computer Generations
This post lists some of the previous years' repeated PSC questions on 'Generations of Computer.'

Repeated PSC Questions on Generations of Computer

First Generation

  • The electronic component used in Ist generation of computer – Vacuum Tube. (Previous PSC Questions: Confidential Assistant Grade II, Various 2013)
    • First generation of computer was based on which technology – Vacuum Tube. (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2018)
    • The first generation computers used – Vacuum Tube. (Previous PSC Questions:  Junior Instructor (Stenographer and Secretarial Assistant- English), 2023)
    • Chief component of first generation computer was(Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Apex Co-operative Societies/ State Co-operative Bank /district Cooperative Bank, 2014, Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2019 )
    • (A) Transistors (B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves (C) Integrated Circuits (D) None of the above
  • ENIAC is known as – First generation computer. (Previous PSC Questions: Librarian Grade-IV, 2016)
    • What is the full form of the first Electronic Computer, ENIAC? Electronic Numeric Integrator and Calculator (Previous PSC Questions: Block Panchayat, 2015)
    • Who designed the first electronics computer, ENIAC – C.J. Prosper Eckert & John W. Mauchly (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2019)
  • UNIVAC isFirst Generation Computer. (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2019)
  • Give the expansion of UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Confidential Assistant Grade II, Various 2013).
  • Which of the following is first generation computer? (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Apex Co-operative Societies/ State Co-operative Bank /district Cooperative Bank, 2014)
    • (A) ICL-2900 (B) IBM-1401 (C) CDC-1604 (D) EDSAC

Second Generation

  • What is the age of computer of second generation? 1959-64. (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2018)
  • Name the electronic component used in second generation computer? Transistors. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor (Computer Operator & Programming Assistant), 2023)
    • The major component used in second generation computers is Transistors. (Previous PSC Questions: Computer Operator, Information & P.R., 2016)
  • Operating system is used in which generation of computer for the first time? (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2019)
    • (A) First Generation (B) Second Generation (C) Third Generation (D) Fourth Generation
  • IBM 1401 isSecond Generation Computer. (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2019)
  • COBOL is an acronym Common Business Oriented Language.
  • Which devices were used in second generation for primary memory and secondary storage (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2018)
    • (A) Vacuum tube and magnetic drum (B) Magnetic core and magnetic tapes (C) Silicon chips and flash drives (D) Magnetic tapes and magnetic disks

Third Generation

  • Third Generation Computers are built with – Integrated Circuit. (Previous PSC Questions: Confidential Assistant Grade II, 2015)
    • The third generation computers mainly used – Integrated Circuit. (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Minerals & Metals Ltd, 2017)
    • Integrated circuits were used in ________ generation computer– 3rd. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor (Stenographer and Secretarial Assistant- English), 2023)
  • On-line real time systems become popular in which Generation – Third Generation. (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2018)
  • Which generation of computers is covered by the period 1964-77? (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Apex Co-operative Societies/ State Co-operative Bank /district Cooperative Bank, 2014)
    • (A) First (B) Second (C) Fourth (D) Third

Fourth Generation

  • Microprocessor was introduced in which generation of computer – Fourth Generation Computer. (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2018, Data Entry Operator, District Co-operative Bank, 2016)
    • Microprocessor was introduced in which generation of computers? (Previous PSC Questions: SUPREND-GOVERNMENT COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE,TECHNICAL EDUCATION, 2014)
    • (A) Second generation (B) Third generation (C) Fourth generation (D) Both (A) and (B)
    • Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers? (Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Apex Co-operative Societies/ State Co-operative Bank /district Cooperative Bank, 2014)
    • (A) First Generation (B) Second Generation (C) Third Generation (D) Fourth Generation
  • Which computer has been design to be as compact as possible?Microprocessor. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Confidential Assistant Grade II, Various 2013).

Fifth Generation

  • .The Computers which have Artificial intelligence is – 5th Generation. (Previous PSC Questions: Computer Assistant 2016)
  • The fifth generation digital computer will be (Previous PSC Questions: Computer Programmer Cum Operator, Beverages Corporation, 2014)
    • (A) Extremely low cost (B) Very expensive (C) Versatility (D) Artificial intelligence
  • Switching device of fifth generation computer is(Previous PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator, Co-operative Societies/Banks, 2019)
    • (A) Vacuum tubes (B) Transistors (C) IC (D) VLSI
  • Which of the following language is used for artificial intelligence (Previous PSC Questions: Block Panchayat, 2015)