This post lists some of the various branches of agriculture and farming methodologies that are often asked in the PSC exams.
Branches of Agriculture
- Agronomy – Study of crops and the soils in which they grow.
- Animal husbandry – Practice of breeding and raising livestock.
- Aquaculture – Farming of fish, mollusks, etc.
- Apiculture – Beekeeping.
- Arboriculture – Cultivation of trees and vegetables.
- Cuniculture – Rearing of Rabbits.
- Floriculture – Cultivation of Flowering plants.
- Horticulture – Cultivation of flowers, fruits, and ornamental plants.
- Mariculture – Cultivation of Marine Fish.
- Moriculture – Cultivation and production of Mulberry.
- Olericulture – Study of cultivation of vegetables.
- Pisciculture – Rearing of Fishes.
- Pomology – Study of Fruits.
- Sericulture – Rearing of Silkworms.
- Tissue culture – Cultivating single cells from a plant
- Silviculture – Forest planting ie, growing of trees mainly for timber production.
- Vermiculture – Breeding of Earthworms mainly for making fertilizers for farming purposes.
- Viticulture – Study, cultivation, and harvesting of grapes and vines.
Farming Methodologies
- Aquaponics – Combination of aquaculture and hydroponics.
- Extensive Farming / Extensive Agriculture– A crop cultivation system that utilizes smaller inputs of capital, fertilizers, and labor for a large farm area. This method is mainly employed in densely populated areas.
- Mixed Farming – A farming practice that combines more than one agricultural activity, ie, like growing vegetables along with raising livestock or fish rearing.
- Permaculture – Development of ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient ones similar to that of the natural ecosystem.
- Shifting Cultivation – Agricultural System of abandoning cultivation in a particular land when the resources in the soil get exhausted and moving the cultivation to another plot thereby allowing the land to restore its natural form.
- Terrace Cultivation – A farming method invented by ancient Incas of America by creating elevated steps or terrace on the slanted sides of hills or mountains and growing crops on them.
- Truck Farming – The practice of growing more than one vegetable on a massive scale for industrial purposes.
- Father of Organic Farming Movement – Sir Albert Howard
- Soil Erosion – Loss of fertile topsoil.
- Apiology – Scientific study of honey bees.
- Apiary – Place where beehives are kept.
- The Agricultural Scientist who spearheaded the “Green Revolution” – Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
- “Operation flood” is associated with – Increasing production of milk.