Previous Year Repeated PSC Questions: Ayyankali
This post lists some of the previous years' repeated PSC questions on 'Ayyankali.'

Previous Year Repeated PSC Questions on Ayyankali

Basic Facts

  • Who called Ayyankkali as 'Pulaya Raja' ? Mahatma Gandhi. (Previous PSC Questions: Specialist Manasika 2018)
    • à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ിà´¯െ à´ªുലയരാà´œ à´Žà´¨്à´¨് à´µിà´¶േà´·ിà´ª്à´ªിà´š്à´šà´¤് ആര്? à´—ാà´¨്à´§ിà´œി. (Previous PSC Questions: Security Guard, Government Secretariat 2018)
  • Gandhiji met Ayyankali at Venganoor in – 1937. (Previous PSC Questions: Clerk-Typist, 2017)
    • à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ിà´¯െ à´—ാà´¨്à´§ിà´œി à´¸à´¨്ദർശിà´š്à´š വർഷം – 1937. (Previous PSC Questions: LDC Prelims (Tamil & Malayalam Knowing), 2023)    
  • Which social reformer was known as ‘The Kerala Spartacus’? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Assistant Professor in Nursing 2018)
  • Who was known us 'Urupillai'? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Chemist, Mining & Geology 2018)
  • Who among the following social reformer was known as ‘Kali’ in his childhood? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Medical Officer Ayurveda 2018)
  • ആധുà´¨ിà´• à´•േരളത്à´¤ിà´¨്à´±െ à´ª്à´°à´§ാà´¨ à´¨േà´¤ാà´µെà´¨്à´¨് " à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ിà´¯െ à´µിà´¶േà´·ിà´ª്à´ªിà´š്à´šà´¤ാà´°് ? à´ªി. സനൽ à´®ോഹൻ. (Previous PSC Questions: Syrang, State Water Transport 2018)
  • à´¤ിà´°ുà´µിà´¤ാംà´•ൂà´±ിൽ നടന്à´¨ à´ªുലയലഹളകൾക്à´•് à´¨േà´¤്യത്à´µം നൽകിà´¯ à´¸ാà´®ൂà´¹്à´¯ പരിà´·്കർത്à´¤ാà´µ് – à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ി. (Previous PSC Questions: Lab Assistant in HSE 2018)
  • Venganoor is the birth place of – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Fireman 2017,  Civil Excise Officer(Women Excise Guard) 2014)
  • In which year social reformer Ayyankali was born? 1863. (Previous PSC Questions: LSGD 2016)
  • Ayyankali was belonging to – Pulaya family. (Previous PSC Questions: Laboratory Technician Gr II 2018)
  • "If you don't allow our children to study, weeds will grow in your fields" Who said this? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: HSST Geology 2018)

Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangam

  • Founder of Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Assistant Crane Driver Electrical 2018, Assistant Professor in Sanitary Chemistry 2018, HSA Physical Science 2018, Secretary, Block Panchayat 2018, Lecturer in Architecture 2018, Senior Lecturer in Tuberculosis and Respiratory 2018, HSST Computer Science 2018, Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2018, Ophthalmic Assistant Gr II For SC/ST 2018, Women Civil Excise Officer 2018, Fireman 2015)
    • à´¸ാà´§ുജന പരിà´ªാലന à´¸ംà´˜ à´¸്à´¥ാപകൻ – à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ി.(Previous PSC Questions: LGS 2018, Store Keeper KSFDC 2018)
    • Who was the founder of Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham (SJPS)? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Assistant Professor in Oral Medicine and Radiology 2018)
    • Who started 'Sadhujanaparipalana Yogam'? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Sergeant 2018, Statistical Assistant Gr II 2018)
    • The Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham was founded under the leadership of – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor Machinist 2018)
    • Which of the following social reformer of Kerala founded the Sadhu jana Paripalana Sangham? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Senior Lecturer in Pediatric Surgery 2018)
    • The organisation formed by Ayyankali – Sadujana Paripalana Yogam. (Previous PSC Questions: Surveyor Gr ll 2017)
  • Another name for the Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham – Association for the Welfare of the Poor. (Previous PSC Questions: Special Branch Assistant Police, 2013)
  • Ayyankali founded Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham in – 1907. (Previous PSC Questions: Technical Superintendent Dairy 2018, Vocational Instructor In Dairying Milk Products 2018, Radiographer Gr.II Govt Homeopathic 2018)
    • In which year Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham was founded? 1907. (Previous PSC Questions: PTHSA Malayalam 2018, Lecturer in Physical Science 2018)
  • 'Sadhujana Paripalana Sangam' later came to be known as – Pulaya Mahasabha. (Previous PSC Questions: Deputy Town Planner, 2016)
  • The Magazine started by Ayyankali movement – Sadhujanaparipalini. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor 2018)
  • Which pair is incorrect? (Previous PSC Questions: Kerala Lab Assistant 2015)
    • (A) Yogakshema Sabha – 1908 (B) Nair Service Society – 1914 (C) Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangam – 1903 (D) Vaala Samudaya Parishkarani sabha – 1910

Revolts of Ayyankali

Villuvandi Samaram

  • à´¤ിà´°ുà´µിà´¤ാംà´•ൂà´±ിà´²െ à´®ുà´–്à´¯ à´¨ിà´°à´¤്à´¤ുà´•à´³ിà´²ൂà´Ÿെ à´µിà´²്à´²ുവണ്à´Ÿിà´¯ിൽ സഞ്à´šà´°ിà´š്à´šു à´šà´°ിà´¤്à´°ം à´¸ൃà´·്‌à´Ÿിà´š്à´š à´¸ാà´®ൂà´¹ിà´• പരിà´·്‌കർത്à´¤ാà´µ്? à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ി. (Previous PSC Questions: Khadi Board LDC Prelims Stage 12023)
  • Ayyankali’s first entry to social struggle through –  Villuvandi Samaram.  (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor 2018)
  • Who organised Villuvandi strike in 1893? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor 2015)

Kallumala Samaram

  • The social reformer who gave leadership to 'Kallumala samaram' – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: KSIDC LD Accountant 2015)
  • Kallumala Agitation is associated with _______– Dress Code.  (Previous PSC Questions: Forester (Section Forest Officer)/ Civil Excise Officer, 2019)
  • Kallumala Samara was broken out in 1915 in the ............ district of Kerala – Kollam. (Previous PSC Questions: Tradesman (Electrical) Technical Education 2018)
  • Who was the leader of the first agricultural labourers strike in Kerala demanding the social and economic issues? – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Secretariat Assistant 2015)
    • à´¸ാà´®ൂà´¹ിà´•-à´¸ാà´®്പത്à´¤ിà´• à´•ാരണങ്ങൾ ഉന്നയിà´š്à´šുà´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് à´•േരളത്à´¤ിà´²െ ആദ്യത്à´¤െ കർഷക സമരം à´¸ംഘടിà´ª്à´ªിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതിà´¨് à´¨േà´¤ൃà´¤്à´µം നൽകിയത്? à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ി. (Previous PSC Questions: 10th Preliminary Exam 6-3-2021)
    • Who led the first organised strike of agricultural laborers in Travancore? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Training Instructor MMV 2019)
    • Who led the first organized strike of agricultural labourers in Travancore? Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor 2018)
  • 1909-ൽ à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ി à´•േരളത്à´¤ിà´²െ ആദ്യത്à´¤െ കർഷക സമരം à´¸ംഘടിà´ª്à´ªിà´š്à´šà´¤് à´Žà´µിà´Ÿെà´¯ാà´£്? à´µെà´™്à´™ാà´¨ൂർ. (Previous PSC Questions: 10th Preliminary Exam 20-2-2021)


  • Ayyankali started his school at Venganoor in – 1905. (Previous PSC Questions: Weaving Instructor 2018)
    • The term "kudipallikoodam" is associated with – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Senior Lecturer in Pediatric Surgery 2018)
    • The place where Ayyankali started a school for depressed classes in 1904 is – Venganoor. (Previous PSC Questions: Banking Assistant 2015)
    • The school opened by Ayyankali for Pulaya children was at Venganoor. (Previous PSC Questions: Computer Programmer Cum Operator, Beverages Corporation, 2014)
  • In recognition of the service to the Harijan community ______ was nominated as a member of the Sri Mulam Praja Sabha – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Junior Instructor in Milk And Milk Products 2018)
    • Name the social reformer who became member of Sree Moolam Praja Sabha – Ayyankali. (Previous PSC Questions: Pharmacist II 2018)
  • Among the following who was not an associate of Ayyankali – (Previous PSC Questions: Surveyor Grade II, Survey And Land Records 2016)
    • (A) Thomas Vadhyar (B) Paraji Tharakan (C) Kavalam Charathan Solomon (D) Yesudasan
  • à´…à´¯്യങ്à´•ാà´³ി à´¸്à´®ാà´°à´•ം à´¸്à´¥ിà´¤ിà´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´¨്നത് à´Žà´µിà´Ÿെà´¯ാà´£്? à´µെà´™്à´™ാà´¨ൂർ. (Previous PSC Questions: LGS 2018)
  • The Sculptor of the Statue of Ayyankali at Vellayambalam in Thiruvananthapuram – Ezra David. (Previous PSC Questions: Assistant Professor in Community Medicine 2018)
  • Name the Indian Prime Minister who unveiled the statue of Ayyankali at Kowdiar Square Thiruvananthapuram – Indira Gandhi. (Previous PSC Questions: Mechanic Grade ll 2017)

Statement Questions

  • Which of the following statements about Ayyankali is or are correct? (Previous PSC Questions: Full Time Jr. Language Teacher Arabic (LPS), 2023)
    • (i) VJT hall in Thiruvananthapuram was renamed as Ayyankali hall.
    • (ii) In 1909, he founded Sadhu Janaparipalana Sangham.
    • (iii) Ayyankali established Brahma Nishta matam at Venganoor.
    • (iv) Ayyankali was interested in Sree Narayana Guru’s teachings of Brahma Vidya.
      • (A) Only i & ii        (B) Only ii & iii       (C) Only iii & iv     (D) Only i & iii
  • Which of the following statements about Ayyankali is/are correct?  (Non Vocational Teacher in General Foundation Course, 2023)
    • (i) He was nominated as a member of Sri Moolam popular Assembly in 1912.
    • (ii) Ayyankali started a Malayalam monthly called Sadhujanamithram.
    • (iii) He pleaded economic relief for Pulayas and the Government allotteed 500 acres of land in Vilappil Pakuthy.
    • (iv) Ayyankali started a weaving factory at Perinad.
      • (A) Only i & ii        (B) Only iii & iv       (C) Only i & iii     (D) Only ii & iv

                                          Thanks for reading!!!