Repeated PSC Questions - Vitamins

This post lists some of the previous years' repeatedly asked PSC questions on the topic, 'Vitamins.'

Previous Year Repeated PSC Questions on


Vitamin A

  • Night blindness is due to the deficiency of – Vitamin A. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator 2016, Scientific Assistant, 2023)
  • The disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin A – Xerophthalmia. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Assistant Grade(Company/ Corporation) 2008)
    • Xerophthalmia is caused by the deficiency of – Retinol – Vitamin A. (Previous Year PSC Questions:LDC 2017)
  • A rough dry skin is attributed to deficiency of – Vitamin A. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Junior Health Inspector Gr II, 2024)
  • The first clinical sign of Vitamin A deficiency – Conjunctival xerosis. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Junior Health Inspector Gr II, 2024)
  • Vitamin A supplementation gives to children from the age of 1 to 6 years should by every – 6 months. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Staff Nurse in Insurance Medical Services 2016)
  • 6 മാസം പ്രായമുള്ള കുട്ടിയ്ക്ക് കൊടുക്കുന്നു വിറ്റാമിന് എയുടെ മാത്ര – 100000 IU(Previous Year PSC Questions: Nurse/Nurse Gr II (Ayurveda), 2024) 
  • Vitamin A is mostly stored in which type of cells in the liver – Stellate/lto cells. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Senior Lecturer/Lecturer In Neurosurgery/Gynecology, 2016)
  • Bitot’s spots is caused by the deficiency of – Vitamin A. (Previous Year PSC Questions: HSST Zoology -Junior, Kerala Higher Secondary Education, 2018)
  • The visual pigment ‘rhodopsin’ seen in the rod cells of the retina is derived from which of the following vitamin:   (Previous Year PSC Questions: Deputy Collector, 2019)
    • (A) Vitamin A  (B) Vitamin K  (C) Vitamin D  (D) Vitamin C
  • Richest source of vitamin A – Drumstick leaves. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Agricultural Officer - Agriculture/Kerala Land Use Board/DCB (Kannur) 2016)
  • Nyctalopia is a disorder which occurs due to the deficiency of – Vitamin A. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Station Officer (Trainee), 2023)

Vitamin B

  • Vitamin B isPyridoxine. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Assistant Pharmacist, Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation 2015)
  • The Vitamin riboflavin is known asVitamin B2. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Finger Print Searcher, Police Finger Print Bureau 2014)
  • __ vitamin is synthesized by rumen micro flora Vitamin B complex. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Livestock Inspector - Grade II 2016)
  • Beriberi is a disease caused by the deficiency of Vitamin B1 (Thiamine). (Previous Year PSC Questions: Dairy Extension Officer, 2017)
  • Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency ofNiacin (Vitamin B3)(Previous Year PSC Questions: ICDS Supervisor 2020; SI Mains 2024)
  • A vitamin that work in reducing bad cholesterol – Vitamin B3. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Drugs Inspector 2024)
  • The deficiency of which Vitamin results in Pernicious Anemia B12 (Cobalamin). (Previous Year PSC Questions: Junior Scientific Officer, Chemical Examinations Laboratory 2017)
  • Water soluble vitamin: (Previous Year PSC Questions: Special Branch Assistant Police, 2013)
    • (A) B (B) A (C) D (D) K

Vitamin C

  • Scurvy occurs due to deficiency of which VitaminVitamin C. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Junior Assistant (Eligibility Test) KSFE 2015, Caretaker (Male), Social Justice 2018, Data Entry Operator - Co-operative Banks Societies 2019)
    • "Scurvy" occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin C. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Forester (Section Forest Officer)-Forest / Civil ExciseOfficer-Excise 2019)
  • Milk is a good source of all vitamins except Vitamin C. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Staff Nurse in Insurance Medical Services 2016)
  • Which among the following vitamins is not a fat soluble one?(Previous Year PSC Questions: Livestock Inspector Grade II 2016)
    • (A) Vitamin D (B) Vitamin K (C) Vitamin C (D)Vitamin A
  • Which of the following is a water-soluble Vitamin? (Previous Year PSC Questions: Secretariat Assistant/ Assistant Auditor 2018)
    • (A) Calciferol (B) Tocoferol (C) Ascorbic Acid (D) Phylloquinone.

Vitamin D

  • Which vitamin is called sunshine vitamin? Vitamin D.(Previous Year PSC Questions: Secretary, Primary Co-operative Societies 2015)
  • Vitamin which is referred to as antirachitic vitamin – Vitamin D.(Previous Year PSC Questions: ICDS Supervisor, 2013)
  • The Vitamin which is not found in vegetables and fruits– Vitamin D.(Previous Year PSC Questions: Data Entry Operator - Co-operative Banks Societies 2018)
  • Which among the following is a form of Vitamin D? (Previous Year PSC Questions: Higher Secondary School Teacher, Home science, 2016)
    • (A) Phytosterol (B) Cholecalciferol (C) Ergosterol (D) Phytoergoesterol
  • Which of the following vitamins is referred to as the antirachitic vitamin? (Previous Year PSC Questions: ICDS Supervisor 2013)
    • (A) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin B (C) Vitamin C (D) Vitamin D
  • The following are examples of antioxidants except? (Previous Year PSC Questions: Senior Lecturer/Lecturer In Neurosurgery/Gynecology 2016)
    • (A) Vitamin E (B) Vitamin D (C) Vitamin A (D) Vitamin A

Vitamin E

  • The chemical name of vitamin ETocopherol. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Women Police Constable (NCA), 2015)
    • Vitamin E is termed as – Tocopherol. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Staff Nurse in Insurance Medical Services 2016)
  • _____is an anti-sterility vitamin – Vitamin E. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Livestock Inspector - Grade II 2016)
    • Anti sterility vitamin is Vitamin E. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Staff Nurse in Insurance Medical Services 2016)


  • The deficiency of which of the following vitamin affects blood clotting and cause profuse bleeding even from a minor wound? – Vitamin K. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Junior Assistant (Eligibility Test) KSFE 2015)
  • Biotin is – Vitamin H. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Assistant Pharmacist, Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation 2015)
  • Fat soluble Vitamins are mainly stored inLiver. (Previous Year PSC Questions: Higher Secondary School Teacher, Home science, 2016)

📝 Read More: Vitamins

📝 SideNotes:

  • Xerophthalmia – an eye condition in which Lachrymal glands stops producing tears leading to complete blindness.
  • Keratomalacia – an eye condition in which the cornea, the clear front part of the eye, gets dry, cloudy and softens, and complete blindness occur due to the deficiency of Vitamin A.
  • Pellagra – a disease that occurs due to the cellular deficiency of niacin (Vitamin B3) or tryptophan (an amino acid).